Wednesday, August 20, 2014


It may seem pretty basic but in the writing world (as well as other aspects of life), the first step is simply showing up. If a magazine requires the writer to send a one-page query letter, then you will need to learn how to write a query, then send an appropriate pitch to the publication. If you take one step, and then the next step, you will give yourself the best possible opportunity for success.
Many people wonder how I've managed to get my writing into more than 50 magazines or to write more than 60 books. I have never claimed to be a fantastic writer but I am a very consistent writer.
If I'm at a conference talking with an editor about ideas and the editor says, “That's a great idea, Terry. Write that up and send it to me.” Immediately after the meeting, I make a note, go home and write up my idea and send it to that editor.
Over the last few years, I've met with hundreds of writers at various conferences. These writers have pitched their idea either in writing or orally and I've told them, “Terrific idea. Write that up and send it to me.” Yet few people follow through and send me their material. Showing up is the first step.
Wednesday night (August 20th), you have one of these opportunities--but only if you show up to the live event. I'm going to be interviewing the Morgan James publisher, Rick Frishman. The questions for this teleseminar are not coming from me or from Rick but from the audience. Rick has been involved in the various aspects of book publishing for many years. Twice a year, Rick pulls together the illustrious faculty of Author 101 University, which is one of the premier writers conferences in the United States. It is not a Morgan James event--but there are a number of Morgan James authors at the event. Editors and agents from many different area of publishing attend Author 101 University.

Here's the link to take your first step:
While I'm confident Rick will provide great information during our 70–minute teleseminar, something else is happening during this session. Throughout the teleseminar, Rick will be giving away some registrations for the October Author 101 University event. To win one of these registrations, you must take the first step--show up at the live event and be prepared to possibly win.
Rather than have the "content" come out of Rick's head (or my head) for the August 20, 2014 telewebcast at 5 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST, I decided to let you ask Rick a question.
Sound fair?
So, if you could ask Rick Frishman ANY question you wanted about attending a writers conference like Author 101 University, what would your question be?
Here's your chance to ask Rick directly and get registered for our call on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 (starts promptly according to

Click the link below:
Will you take the first step to show up? I encourage you to register. If you don't have a question, then put “no question” and keep going through the simple registration process until you reach the confirmation page where you can listen to the teleseminar or dial in on your telephone.
What are you waiting for? Use the link below:   

Terry Whalin Host for the Live Telewebcast
ps. If you can't make the time of the call, please go ahead and sign up anyway. The entire teleseminar will be recorded and EVERYONE who signs up will receive an email with the replay link. Also if you sign up, you will be able to download the FREE special report right away. This report is loaded with valuable advice.

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