August 10-13, 2015
Jantzen Beach Red Lion
Portland, Oregon
"Being Salt and Light" Matthew 5:13-16
August 10-13, 2015
Meet Summer Conference Keynoter Jane Kirkpatrick
For some years, I worked with Native American families on the Warm Springs Reservation in Oregon. One of the traditions there was that at the completion of a basket-making class, students often gave away their first basket. Many times the basket teacher received that fledgling effort. In my 17 years there, I was privileged to receive three first baskets, even though I know nothing about basket-making.
After the first surprise gift, I tried to imagine with whom I would share my firstfruit. Read more at
Jane Kirkpatrick is the New York Times best-selling and award-winning author of 27 books, including 22 historical novels based on actual women. Jane has spoken internationally and has won the Wrangler, the Carol, and WILLA awards.
Summer Conference is just around the corner!
Look what we have planned for you:
We are bringing together some of the top editors, agents, and authors in Christian publishing to help you reach your writing goals.
Here’s a small sampling of the many Coaching Classes, Workshops, and Nite Owls taught by top editors, agents, and award-winning authors. See our full list of coaching classes at and workshops.
- “Middle Grade and Young Adult Novels That Sell” – The fastest growing market in publishing today is youth fiction. Learn to write characters that readers love. Coaching class taught by YA agent, Sally Apokedak.
- “Get Published; Stay Published: Advanced Teaching for Career-Minded Novelists” with Jeff Gerke, James L. Rubart, and Susan May Warren. Premium Intensive Coaching Class. Fiction Intermediate to Advanced, for those with a completed manuscript) Limit: 30
- “The Language of Screenwriting” – Telling story through images and dialogue with Nancy Ellen Dodd, who teaches advanced screenwriting at Pepperdine and is the author of The Writer’s Compass: From Story Map to Finished Draft in 7 Stages.
- “How to Become a Best-Selling Author with Your First Credit (or How to Write for Magazines)” with Susan King, associate editor at The Upper Room.
- “Crafting Bible Studies for Spiritual Growth”coaching class with Terri Kalfas, acquisition editor at Grace Publishing.
- “Magnificent Memoir” – This workshop will discuss what it takes to write compelling memoir, who reads it and why, and what publishers want to see, taught by Alice Crider, senior acquisitions editor at David C. Cook.
- “Blogging and Blog Tours—The Whys and Wherefores” – This workshop taught by editor and author Rebecca LuElla Miller will help you decide what role blogs and blog tours should have in your writing, publishing, and marketing.
- “Write to Touch the Hearts of Children” – Two award-winning, best-selling children’s book authors, Helen Haidle and Jeannie St. John Taylor, team up to teach you everything you ever wanted or needed to know about writing for children in this workshop.
- “Pitch Lab” – Planning to meet with an editor or agent? You won’t want to miss Jill Williamson’s Monday evening Nite Owl, “Pitch Lab,” where you can test run your pitch!
Register now for the Book Promotion Boot Camp!
Taught by award-winning novelist Susan May Warren( and social media expert and designer Nicole Miller( Visit our website for more details!

Registration and Lodging
Register early to reserve your first choice of one of our outstanding coaching classes:
Lodging: Our conference is hosted at the Red Lion on the River Hotel (Jantzen Beach) in Portland. You can now go to make your room reservations at the special OCW pricing. These prices are not available if you call or go to the hotel’s website to book a room.
Keep watching our website,, where we’ll be posting the latest conference news, guest posts, faculty interviews, how to get ready for the conference tips, how to choose a mentor, conference author photos, and more.
For questions about the upcoming Summer Conference,
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