self (books). When
an author edits his or her own book.
every writer can afford to pay for a professional edit, so those who
can't may have to resort to self-editing. If you are a skilled writer
with a clear understanding and good skills in spelling and grammar,
that will help. Always read your manuscript aloud to pinpoint problem
areas. You definitely want to run spell-check, but then be sure to
print out the manuscript and run through it again, being sure to
correct all spelling, punctuation, grammar, or typos. If you're new
to writing for publication, you need to know that the old rule to
leave two spaces at the end of a sentence has now been changed to one
editing fiction, you will need to check some of these things: (1)
Does your lead
captivate the reader on the first page? (2) Follow each character
individually through the story to be sure each has a unique
personality, consistent and realistic dialogue.
(3) Be sure you don't have too many characters,
especially if they have not been appropriately introduced to the
readers. Has each character's story been wrapped up at the end? (4)
Check your descriptions.
Too much too quickly? Are you overwhelming the reader with background
information? (5) Check for dull or boring sections. What can you do
to increase the pace? (6) Check for passive writing and change it to
active. (7) Are your transitions
smooth? (8) Do you show as much as possible—not tell? (9) Check
length of chapters. Are some of them too long? (10) Does your
conclusion wrap up all the plot points?
editing nonfiction you will also start the same way as with fiction.
In addition, check for these additional fixes: (1) Does the lead
capture the reader's interest? (2) Have you given them a reason to
read your book? (3) Have you illustrated your points with anecdotes
or case
the readers can identify with? (4) Have you included quotes
from authorities,
relevant statistics, history, or whatever fits your topic? (5) Have
you double-checked all facts, quotes, or other information for
accuracy? (6) Have you used unfamiliar or technical words—not
defined—that the readers won't understand? Here are more tips to
help with self-editing:
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