Requiring Permission:
Authors are responsible to know the source of any previously printed material they wish to quote in their manuscripts. This includes indirectly quoted material from another publication that is a unique, original idea or highly selective and unusual information. It also includes material to be used extensively or as the basis of your manuscript. Such sources must be given with the manuscript, in footnotes, end-of-the-chapter notes, acknowledgments, or in a special note to the editor.
Permission must be obtained to reprint lengthy quotes—ranging from approximately 250 words and upward. This is a total number including all quotations taken from one source. The total allowed is affected by the length of the source; for instance, 250 words might be allowed without permission from a source of 35,000 words, but 100 words from a source of 1,000 words might require permission. This, of course, applies only to material still under copyright.
Notice of copyright is found on the title page, or page immediately following, in a book. In periodicals, it is on the masthead or first page of the text.
If the material is taken from a source older than 75 years, check for credit lines in footnotes, notes, acknowledgments, etc., for the copyright date for that particular item. A book’s copyright does not cover material that was taken from some other printed source. That printed source would have its own copyright date.
to Request Permission:
are to write directly to the copyright holder. If that is the
publisher, the address will be given on the title page or copyright
page. If the holder is the author, or someone else, and no address
is given, write your request to the holder and mail it to the
publisher with instructions to forward it to the copyright holder.
This applies to both books and periodicals.
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