Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Every writer needs an office, or at least an area set aside where they can go to do their work. Although lap-top computers make it possible to work anywhere, it helps to have a designated place where you are psychologically prepared to go to work. An office can be in your home or at an outside location. Your office space should include the following: (1) A desk-top or lap-top computer; (2) a desk or work table; (3) a comfortable desk chair; (4) a printer; (5) telephone or cell-phone; (6) office supplies (paper, envelopes, file folders, ink cartridges, etc.) (7) postal scale and stamps, or access to an online postage program, such as; (8) book shelves and a filing cabinet; (9) a library of how-to books for writers. (See book list in appendix). You will also want business cards, and possibly letter-head stationery (although you can create your own on your computer). For additional instructions on how to set up your office, go to:

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