It is
important to know that all paraphrases of the Bible are books with
copyright protection just like other books. The exception is the King
James Version and American Standard (except for notes, maps, photos,
etc.), which are in the public domain. All other versions provide
guidelines for use. Although most publishers have a standing
permission to quote from the different versions as long as they give
credit, it is helpful for the author to know what limitations are
imposed by each publisher. Each publisher provides a list of written
guidelines for such quotes. Generally, they all require that the
quote be completely accurate (including punctuation) and that proper
credit be given. If you need to quote more than the limitations noted
below, and your quote is used in a work intended for commercial use
(in other words it is a book or something you will sell to the
public), you will need to ask permission. Many copyright owners will
want a copy of the work in which the quote is used within 30 days
following publication. Below you will find a summary of the
guidelines on the most popular versions and information on where to
send for those written guidelines which you may want for your
files—and future reference. The guidelines will also tell you how
the credit line needs to be written.
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