Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Dear Purpose writers,

Thank you for your good contributions to Purpose magazine. We depend on writers, such as yourself, to help us produce a quality periodical that inspires and encourages people to live out their Christian faith.

I want you to be aware of a change in the Purpose editor. Carol Duerksen has served as a contract editor and has done excellent work in connecting with you and editing the magazine. However, due to budget issues the editing will now be done in-house by MennoMedia staff, as it was prior to Carol’s term as contract editor.  

Beginning with the March, 2016 issue, Mary Ann Weber, a managing editor at MennoMedia, will assume the role of Purpose editor. Please send all submissions and communication about that issue, and subsequent issues, directly to Mary Ann at MaryAnnW@MennoMedia.org.

We appreciate your continued support of Purpose magazine through your story, article, puzzle, and poetry contributions. Please take a look at the upcoming themes and let me know if you are interested in submitting writing that addresses any of them.


Mary Ann Weber
Managing Editor for Curriculum

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