Monday, March 14, 2016


Quote roundup. Basing an article on about two dozen quotes from a group of people who have something in common, or something to say on a specific topic. It could be quotes from historically famous people, celebrities, or simply people with some topic in common. It could be based on a simple statement/question, such as, “I know my child will be ready to date when . . . .” Of course, the risk is that the people you choose to quote may not have anything interesting or helpful to say—or they don't say it in an interesting way, and since these are meant to be quotes, you can't rewrite their comments. It will be your job to draw out the details that will add interest to what they have to say. If what they say brings up questions in your mind, you can be sure your readers will want answers to the same questions.

When selecting a question for your survey, you need to either have an assignment from a specific magazine, or at least have a target magazine in mind. The question, then, must fit the demographic and interest of that particular publication.


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