Sunday, April 26, 2015


Essay/Observation - An essay or observation article is simply the writer’s personal reaction to some event, situation, or topic. The essay is a form of nonfiction that many writers rarely think about. From time-to-time we need to stop and look inside ourselves for those thoughts, opinions or ideas that we can develop into an essay on a topic of universal interest. Read magazines for good samples of essays. Essays generally are short (under 1,000 words) and deal with one topic; they lack the length and structure of other articles. Examples: How you feel about abortion, doctor-assisted suicide, or homosexual rights.

Expose` - Reveals documented facts that expose some wrongdoing, injustice or foul play. Must be based on careful investigative reporting, not on hearsay or rumors, and must not be malicious. Example: Report of a local politician embezzling city funds or a Christian ministry involved in soliciting funds under false pretenses. Also might be related to some historical figure or event.

1 comment:

  1. The essay is a form of nonfiction that many writers rarely think about. To get essay paraphrasing example you must be a great writer.
