Friday, August 15, 2014


        It occurs to me that many of you may not be aware that I am available to do book proposal evaluations, book contract evaluations, or evaluations of articles, short stories, or other writings. I don't do children's picture books or poetry.

        For nonfiction book proposals, I like to see a copy of the cover letter that will go to the editor, the chapter-by-chapter synopsis of the book, plus three sample chapters--the first and two others of the writer's choice. This is an overall evaluation, not a line edit.

        For fiction book proposals, send the cover letter, an overall synopsis of 5-7 pages, plus the first three chapters.  This is an overall evaluation, not a line edit.

        For the book contract evaluation, send a copy of the book contract, plus a list of any specific questions or concerns you might have. I will respond with an explanation of each clause, plus suggestions for possible changes to ask for, etc. Contract evaluations are always handled quickly.

        Any of these materials can be sent by email or snail mail (see below) with a check or PayPal payment of $40 for the first hour. You will be billed for any additional time. The proposal evaluations typically take about 2 1/2 hours. The contract evaluation is completed in a similar time frame, but will vary depending on the length and complexity of the contract. All work is done at the rate of $40/hour. Let me know if I can help you with your latest project.

Sally Stuart
15935 SW Greens Way
Tigard OR 97224

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