Thursday, May 28, 2015


Many publication are open to stories, articles, poetry or fillers that are tied to a specific holiday or season. In fact, those who do use such material are often desperate for material to meet that need. Most will have more than they can use for Christmas or Easter, but very little available for Valentines or Mother’s Day. So think seasons or minor holidays instead of the obvious ones.
Many writers make the mistake of submitting such material too late. The market guide or their guidelines will usually indicate how far ahead they need to receive this dated material. For most, it will be 6-18 months ahead. I’ve had more than one editor complain to me that writers will send a Christmas story in November and be upset because they can’t put it in the Christmas issue that year.
As you select and become more familiar with the publications that are most likely to buy from you, one of the things you’ll want to learn is how far ahead to send holiday or seasonal material. Sending it in a timely manner is one more way of showing the editors you know exactly what they need—and when.

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